Mary, a very young woman betrothed to be married finds herself pregnant with the Son of God. Her contract for marriage at this time, in this place, and to Joseph was no accident. God had promised the Messiah would be born of the line of King David in Bethlehem. And God knew Mary was the only one who could carry out this arduous assignment, because she possessed the faith and humility needed to walk the path He had destined for her.
In Isaiah 7:14 the word of God came forth regarding these things. “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call His name Immanuel.”
Imagine what it must have felt like to be told your part in God’s plan was to be the vessel that would bring Jesus here. Whatever she was thinking or feeling, Mary did not hesitate to be obedient to God’s call. Records tell us she asked how this could happen, as she was a virgin. Once her question was answered, her response was quick to follow:“Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38) If only we all had the same kind of response whenever God called us to accept an assignment!
How often do we get presented with the smallest of requests from the Lord and hesitate, weigh all our options, make pro-con lists, consult our friends and mentors, and still doubt that we heard correctly? We tell ourselves, “He could not possibly mean us”. We ask Him to tell us His plan and then ask for confirmation over and over. The angel told Mary not to be afraid, as she had found favor with God. She did not ask for time to think it over. She simply obeyed. As sons and daughters of God, we could accomplish so much for the Kingdom if we put our trust in Him and gave no thought to the what-ifs. After all, He is the one who knows our Story in its entirety, while we can only see what is in front of us.
Joseph, too, is another perfect example of the same kind of faith. While he had the right to divorce her or publicly shame her, he did neither. He followed the direction from the angel of the Lord and took her and her unborn child as his own. He did not question the instructions God gave him. He simply got up and did what he was directed to do.
Mary and Joseph had a life. They had plans. They were preparing to be married, dreaming of what their new life would be like, the children they would have, where they would live. It was most likely a happy, joyous time for them. God stepped in and turned everything upside down. They were now pregnant before the marriage ceremony with a baby that was not conceived through their union. How frightening that must have been. They had no idea what life was going to look like from that point on. They chose to trust in the process and accept the call.
As you go through this third week of advent, a time to help us prepare for the blessed event of Jesus’ birth, imagine what this world would look like today if we were all as ready and willing to drop our plans and do as God called us to? What if we responded like Mary? “Let it be to me according to your word.” Her decision to put her faith in God gave us the most important gift we will ever receive. She did not question His choice in her or doubt that what He said could be accomplished. Joseph did not hesitate when the Angel of the Lord told him he could believe Mary’s story. They both accepted His calling and brought forth our savior.
Father God, as we go through this season of Advent in preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth, I pray that you reveal to each of us the area(s) in which we have been lacking faith in you. I ask that as we repent of any doubt and disobedience we have had, we might receive another opportunity to be used as a vessel for your purposes. That we all grow stronger in our faith and keep our trust in you and not in ourselves. Thank you for your abundant grace that brought forth our salvation and allows for us to return to you when we stumble. Amen.